Heartland REMC members in Rock Creek now have access to fiber internet!

The fiber network continues to grow as over 4,300 HREMC members are now connected and enjoying reliable, high-speed fiber internet from TWN!

This record milestone comes as crews work diligently to expand the fiber network further into HREMC’s service territory.

Currently, there are nine fiber-ready zones: Lafayette, Lincolnville, Uniondale, Huntington, Hopewell, Mt. Etna, Wabash West, Servia and Rock Creek.

Rock Creek is the latest area where crews have been busy building the fiber network and connecting members.

What are the exact steps for bringing fiber-to-the-home?

Network Construction: Crews build the fiber backbone. This includes construction throughout your neighborhood but not on your property.

Sign the Underground Agreement: This is the starting point for initiating fiber internet connectivity. It does not obligate you to sign up for service.

Member Site Survey: Crews visit your property to determine the path of the fiber drop to your home and the location of your Network Interface Device (NID). You will have the opportunity to change your fiber path, if needed.

Fiber Line Bury: Crews arrive at your property to bury the fiber line to your home. This involves digging a very small and shallow path to house your fiber line. Digging is minimal and it is TWN’s intention to take the most efficient, least invasive route possible.

Outside Equipment Placement: A specialized crew returns to place a small box called a NID outside. This box holds the fiber connection.

Select Your Plan: TWN will contact you to schedule your indoor home installation and help you choose your internet plan.

Home Installation: A technician will run a fiber cable inside your house and complete the connection process.

Clean Up and Restoration: Crews will return after all construction and installations are complete in your area to begin permanent improvements to roads, sidewalks, landscaping, etc. This may take 6 months to one year from the time crews first arrive.

When can you expect fiber internet in your neighborhood?

Check out the progress map! We will also alert you about construction in your area via postcards, emails and phone calls.

Discover what the fiber buzz is all about! Visit twncomm.com/heartland or call 833-727-5563 to sign the Underground Agreement today, so crews can make sure your property is fiber-ready when broadband services become available.

Stay tuned for more updates!


  • Jeff Ridgeway says:

    I’m in the Lincolnville Zone which shows ready. I believe that I signed the underground agreement a couple of years ago. Please confirm and let me know when I can expect you to connect my home?
    Thank you, Jeff

    • Brit Lawrence says:

      Hello Jeff,
      Thank you for getting in touch. Yes, we do have your Underground Agreement. I have requested an update on a timeline for your area.

  • Jeff Lauer says:

    I was one of the first to go through the initiating process for this service in Huntington but I still have not heard from anyone about bringing fiber to my house.

    • Brit Lawrence says:

      Hi Jeff, thanks for getting in touch. Right now, we are exclusively serving HREMC customers. Please check back regularly for changes to our build in your area.

  • Don Lindsey says:

    I would love to be hooked up please as soon as possible,

    • Brit Lawrence says:

      Hi Don,

      Thank you for reaching out. We are working diligently to get everyone connected as quickly and efficiently as possible.

  • Charles Spencer says:

    We live at Zanesville In. In Stoney creek trailer park. We are in Uniondale Township I guess. We already signed up our names are Charles and Janet Spencer.

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